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MLA Style: Writing in MLA Style

An introduction to MLA style for academic papers, based on the MLA Handbook, 8th Edition.

MLA Style

MLA Style is the format used by the Modern Language Association. Most papers written for classes in the arts and humanities use MLA style; instructors in other disciplines may also prefer MLA format.

MLA Style Resources

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Writing in MLA Style


In the text of a paper:

  • Abbreviations consisting primarily of capital letters (such as acronyms) should usually be written without spaces or periods between the letters: ESP, JFK, PhD
  • Initials used in a name should be followed by periods and spaces: C. S. Lewis
  • Abbreviations consisting primarily of lower case letters should usually be written with periods but not spaces between the letters: p.m.
  • Dates should not be abbreviated in the text of a paper

In the Works Cited list and in-text citations:

  • Months should be abbreviated to three or four letters: Jan., Sept., Dec.
  • Titles of works appearing in in-text citations should be abbreviated, usually to the first noun phrase: The Importance for The Importance of Being Earnest
  • Some other frequently used abbreviations: ch. for chapter; ed. for edition; et al. for et aliap. or pp. for page or pages; par. for paragraph; qtd. for quoted; UP for University Press

Capitalizing Titles

Capitalize the first and last word of the title; all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions; and the first word after a colon. Do not capitalize articles, coordinating conjunctions or prepositions unless they are the first or last word of the title.

"Explaining the Relation between Birth Order and Intelligence"

Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors


In the body of your paper, write out dates in full. You may use day-month-year style or month-day-year style, but be consistent: 5 September 2020 or September 5, 2020


Headings are  not usually needed in a short paper, but they may be used as follows:

  • do not substitute headings for transitions
  • avoid using numbers and letters to designate headings
  • align headings with the left margin and capitalize all important words
  • include a line space before and after a heading
  • typeface should indicate importance of headings:

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Inclusive Language

To make your writing more inclusive, DO:

  • use "people first" language: person with impaired vision instead of vision-impaired person
  • use both masculine and feminine pronouns when gender is unspecified (e.g. If a student misses class, he or she should coontact the instructor) or change the subject to a plural (If students miss class, they should contact the instructor)
  • use the pronouns preferred by individuals you are writing about, if known, including neologisms (e.g. "hir") and plurals


  • use "man" to mean human beings or use gender-specific terms to refer to people (e.g. "chairwoman")
  • generalize about group identities
  • use first-person pronouns that make assumptions about your readers
  • use language that makes assumptions about others' experiences (e.g. "victims of" or "suffers from")



Use italics for:

  • Titles of self-contained works such as books, magazines, journals, newspapers, plays, movies, television series, websites, etc.

                        Coming of Age in SamoaPsychology TodayWebMD

  • Non-English words that have not been anglicized through use, except for proper nouns, non-English titles in quotation marks, and quotations entirely in another language.

Some consider the movie John Wayne's tour de force.

  • Words or letters referred to as words or letters: The word pitch has several meanings.

Do not use italics for emphasis.


Within the text of your paper, write out numbers that:

  • can be expressed in one or two words: thirteen, forty-two, two hundred
  • are at the beginning of a sentence
  • are used for percentages or amounts of money in passages containing few numbers, if you can do so in two or three words: ten percent, ten thousand dollars
  • appear in an English-language title, even if a nuneral is used in the original: "The Greatest Hits of the Fourth Century"

Within the text of your paper, use numerals for numbers that:

  • cannot be expressed in one or two words: 215
  • appear in passages containing many numbers and precede units of measurement or express ratios: 14 inches
  • are used for percentages or amounts of money that are expressed in more than three words or that occur in passages containing many numbers:  12.5%; $14.50
  • are used in dates and times: May 4; 2:00 p.m.
  • express a fraction as a decimal: 2.5
  • are part of a numbered series: Chapter 7

You may also use numerals when your work uses frequent related numbers, such as statistical data.

You may blend numbers and numerals for large numbers: 2.7 million voters

Paraphrasing and Summarizing

Paraphrase or summarize source material whenever possible; that is, put the material in your own words. Remember to identify the source for paraphrases and summaries, just as for quotations.

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks for:

  • Prose quotes under five lines long
  • Verse quotes under four lines long
  • Titles of short works contained within a longer work, such as periodical articles, book chapters, reference book entries, tv episodes, songs/poems, etc.,

Use apostrophes or "single quotation marks" for quotes inside quotes:

Max Stark points out, "The difference between 'annoyance' and 'harassment' is clear."