To express ourselves in language requires that we arrange our ideas in some relationships to each other. When accuracy and truth are at issue, then we must understand what our thesis is, how we can support it, how we can elaborate on it to make it intelligible to others, what objections can be raised to it from other points of view, what the limitations are to our point of view, and so forth. Disciplined writing requires disciplined thinking; disciplined thinking is achieved through disciplined writing.
The critical writer will:
Critical speaking is critical thinking applied to public speaking. We do not hear many examples of clear, logical, accurate spoken communication. Oral communication is usually more spontaneous and must be carefully presented because, unless recorded, it is present only for the moment. Preparing the content carefully to attract and hold the interest and attention of the audience is necessary.
The critical speaker will:
Critical reading is an active, intellectually engaged process in which the reader participates in an inner dialogue with the writer. Most people read uncritically and so miss some part of what is expressed while distorting other parts. A critical reader realizes the way in which reading, by its very nature, means entering into a point of view other than our own – the point of view of the writer. A critical reader actively looks for assumptions, key concepts and ideas, reasons and justifications, supporting examples, parallel experiences, implications and consequences, and any other structural features of the written text to interpret and assess it accurately and fairly.
The critical reader will approach reading passages as a whole, instead of one word or phrase at a time. The critical reader will examine the table of contents or chapter outlines. The critical reader will preview his/her reading first, by skimming the reading assignment and taking note of section headings, illustrations, and diagrams. He/she will read the introductory paragraphs and the concluding paragraphs or the chapter summary. The critical reader will approach his/her reading like a problem solver:
A mode of monitoring how we are listening so as to maximize our accurate understanding of what another person is saying is critical listening. By understanding the logic of human communication – that everything spoken expresses point of view, uses some ideas and not others, has implications, etc. – critical thinkers can listen so as to enter sympathetically and analytically into the perspective of others.
The critical listener will: