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Respiratory Therapy: APA Help

Find library resources for respiratory therapy students gathered here for you!

APA Assistance

Need APA Assistance?

The resources listed below should help you learn more about APA style and find answers to common citation questions.


A copy of the full guide, titled Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style, as well as the Pocket Guide to APA Style are available for use within the library.  Any staff member at the Information Desk can help you locate them.


Citation Overview

Citation Overview

This video from the NC State University Libraries explains why we cite and when to cite, and it also explains what an in-text citation is and why we need it.

This video is published under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA US license.

APA Style - Journal Articles

Citing Journal Articles in APA Style

This video from CSU Libraries explains in detail how to create a citation for a journal article. It also explains what should go in the in-text citation and has some tips about how to use tools in Word to format your references page.

Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International CC License

More Practice?

More APA Practice?

Would you like a little more practice with APA style? This tutorial from LCCC will walk you through our APA Style Guide so you become familiar with where to find answers to APA questions.

You can practice even more by taking this tutorial from Temple University.

Learning Commons

Would You Like an Expert to Review Your Paper?

The Learning Commons staff would be happy to review your paper and check your citations FOR FREE. You have 3 options:

  1. Meet with a writing consultant in person.
  2. Meet with a consultant over Teams.
  3. Email them a paper. They will email it back to you with comments. They call this asynchronous writing assistance.

You will find a video that walks you through making a writing consultation appointment and more information about how to use the asynchronous consultation option on their homepage.