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Education: Library Resources: Find Articles

Includes the book list for EDFD 2020 course

myLCCC Is Your Ticket!

Make Sure You Are Logged in to myLCCC!

Your myLCCC account is your ticket to access the Ludden Library's paid online subscription databases. If you get an error message, check to make sure you are still logged in to your myLCCC account.

Need Help with Databases?

If you are new to database searching or are struggling to find articles on your topic, the Ludden Library staff is ready to help!  Stop by our help desk in person, schedule an appointment with me, or start a chat session using the Ask Us! slide out on your screen.

Education Articles from Library Subscription Databases

Find Articles in Databases

A Special Case - 
ERIC is a different kind of database.  It is free and maintained by the Institute of Education Sciences, which is part of the U.S. Department of Education.  It offers many articles in full text.

Eric is searched differently from many other databases.  Here is a link to a video with basic search tips for ERIC.

Did you find an article but it isn't offered in full text through ERIC?  This video will show you how to check whether or not the Ludden Library has access to the journal where your article was published.

Children's Literature Databases

Children's Literature Databases

Find information about children's and YA books in these databases.


Profile Photo
Jenn Markus
Office: LIB 120
(307) 778-1204

Databases for K-12 Students

Databases for K-12 Students