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Health Information Technology: Find Books

Library sources to support the HITM program including coding references and career information.

Book Information for Online Programs

Book Information

The Ludden Library offers both eBooks and print books.  To use our eBook collection, make sure you are logged in to your myLCCC account.  It gives you single sign on access to all online materials purchased by the library.

If you need us to mail physical print books to your house, simply call us at 307.778.1205 to place your request or start a chat session to place your request by clicking on the gold Ask Us! slideout on the side of your screen.

Search for Print Books or eBooks

 Search for Books & Media

Use this search box to look for PRINT items in the library's collection. 

  • You can search for keywords related to your topic or run a search for a specific title or author by using the All Fields drop down menu.

  • We are happy to help you locate books on the shelves.  Please ask if you need help!

Toggle between the tabs at the top of this box to search for print books or eBooks.

 Search for eBooks

Use this box to find eBooks.  We have THOUSANDS of eBooks in our collection. 

  • You must be logged in to your myLCCC account to access eBooks.

  • Search for keywords related to your topic.

  • As you look through the list of results, note new key terms related to your topic and try searching with those words too.

Toggle between the tabs at the top of this box to search for print books or eBooks.

Print Books

Sample Print Books


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Jenn Markus
Office: LIB 120
(307) 778-1204

For More Help

CHAT: Click on the chat bubble button at right.
TEXT:  307.463.9724 (Standard rates apply) 
CALL:   307.778.1206 or toll-free within Wyoming: 800.522.2993 ext. 1206

We will respond to questions sent outside library hours within 24 hours after opening.