Instructors may request face-to-face proctoring for LCCC exams for make-up exams and exams for students with testing accommodations.
The Cheyenne Testing Center has a new process for requesting exams. We now use RegisterBlast. This is a completely online process through Canvas that allows instructors to request testing and students to schedule exams. Look for the Testing Center link within Canvas courses.
The Testing Center offers many different tests and certifications. If you need a test administered, just contact the the Testing Center to find out if they can offer your test. Here is a sample of the tests offered:
You must have an appointment in order to test!
To schedule an appointment students testing at the Cheyenne Testing Center must use the Testing Center link within each Canvas course. Non-LCCC testers can email the Testing Center or call 307-778-1274.
***Please note Saturday hours will end after 3/8/2025 due to staffing***
Monday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Upcoming Testing Center Closures
March 21, 2025 (Spring Break)
The Testing Center is pleased to offer testing accommodations in accordance with Office of Student Accommodations (OSA). All testing accommodations must first go through OSA before they are accommodated through the Testing Center.
A distraction-reduced testing environment is an environment or testing center that limits interruptions and other environmental influences. The entire testing area of the Testing Center is a distraction-reduced environment.
Private room test accommodation is a further change to the environment for testing. This accommodation is required for reader and scribing services. This accommodation must be scheduled with the Testing Center to be accessed.
If you have questions about your specific accommodation, please contact OSA in Pathfinder Rm 207 or by calling 307-778-1359.