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Testing Center: Student and Instructor Guidelines

Testing Center Guidelines

The Testing Center administers make-up exams, exams for students with testing accommodations, exams from other institutions, distance learning exams, and professional licensure and certification exams. There is a $25 proctor fee for test takers who are not LCCC students, from WY colleges, UW, or military personnel.  

Please remember these general guidelines:

  • All test takers are expected to adhere to LCCC’s Student Code of Conduct. Any activity that raises a concern with the proctor will be reported to your instructor.
  • When checking in at the Proctor Station in the Lobby of PF 119, test takers will read and sign the Honor Code Policy.  All students taking an LCCC exam will need to provide their instructor’s name, course name/number, and exam name. 
  • All testers must also present a valid photo ID (driver’s license, student ID, etc.). Testing Center personnel will not administer an exam to a student without a photo ID and course/exam information. For any issues, the instructor will be notified immediately and, if necessary, Campus Security will be contacted.
  • Any testing fees are expected to be paid before a test taker begins an exam. Cash, check and credit card are accepted.
  • Only exam takers are permitted in the Testing Center; no children or unauthorized guests allowed (except persons meeting OSA identified needs).
  • Cell phones and other technology, unless pre-approved, are not allowed. Turn off and stow in a locker all electronic devices, including any wearable technology (smart watch, etc.).
  • Hats, coats, scarves, gloves, backpacks, wallets, purses, keys, and all other personal items must be stowed in lockers.
  • Calculators and testing supplies, including approved note cards and formula sheets, will be examined before use.
  • Once an exam has started, students must remain in the Testing Center until completion. Leaving the lab during the exam may result in termination of the exam.
  • Exams will not be started unless there is enough time allowed to complete the exam.  For example, if an exam is allowed two hours, it must be started at least two hours before closing time.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the Testing Center unless there is an approved accommodation. 
  • Exam proctors may walk through the Testing Center or observe test takers through video surveillance system at any time during test taking. Test takers are observed throughout the exam by various observation methods.
  • Exams will be collected at closing time regardless of completion.
  • At the completion of the exam, sign out with the Testing Center proctor. All scratch paper and testing materials must be turned in to the proctor. 


Instructor Guidelines

The Testing Center asks that instructors understand the following guidelines:

  • Please ask students to make an appointment for their exam with the Testing Center.  Walk-ins are not currently accommodated. Students will make appointments through Canvas in Register Blast. This means that instructors must submit test requests in a timely manner so students can schedule.
  • All exams will be submitted through Register Blast. There is a link through Canvas. It is fully integrated with the Canvas LMS, so all classes and students assigned to those classes should be available.
  • Requests need to be received at least 48 hours prior to the start date. Requests that require printing need to be received 3 business days prior to opening the exam. 
  • All requests are first come, first served. The Testing Center has limited space and will attempt to accommodate all requests, but instructors should be aware that occasionally, requests may need to be adjusted during high demand periods (i.e. midterms, finals, etc.).
  • It is recommended for instructors to provide a roster of testers through Register Blast.
  • Instructors will determine the maximum time limits for exams. Students will be informed of the time limits, and the students’ start and end time for each exam will be recorded. It is imperative for Testing Center scheduling that instructors put accurate times for the time allowed. Blocks of time of that duration will be reserved when students schedule, so inaccurate time allowances may cause fewer students the ability to schedule time in the Testing Center.
  • Please leave a minimum 48-hour testing window for students to schedule and complete exams.
  • Exam requests will not be accepted, or the exams administered, for whole classes that should be tested during regular class session, including midterms and finals. 
  • All events of testing irregularities or academic integrity concerns will be reported to the instructor including any evidence gathered by the proctor.  
  • Instructors or their designated proxy may pick up completed exams from the Testing Center at any point during or after the testing window.