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Resources for Agricultural Industry Analysis Assignment

Background Information

You may need to begin your research by defining important terms/concepts or discovering potential subtopics.

Scholarly Articles

Also called "academic articles" or "peer-reviewed articles," these articles are generally written by scientists and other professionals who are reporting on the results of their research, field work, or laboratory work. The articles are written for an audience with at least some background in the subject area.

To find scholarly articles, use the databases below and limit to "peer-reviewed" or "research articles."

Popular Articles & Primary Sources (other than scholarly, original research articles)

Popular articles appear in magazines like National Geographic and Horse and Rider. They are written for the general public and are easier to understand than scholarly articles. Primary sources are written accounts by someone who experienced something firsthand, for instance, a diary, an interview, or an autobiography.

To find popular articles, use ProQuest Agriculture Science Collection or Agriculture Collection and limit to magazines and newspapers.

Government Sources & Statistics

You may need statistics or policy information for your topic. Here are some places to start:


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Maggie Swanger
Office: LIB 123
(307) 778-1283
Pathway Subjects:
-Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
-Information Technology
-Agriculture & Equine