The Ludden Library keeps some textbooks on reserve for students at the help desk near the entrance to the library. Textbooks check out for 2 hours or 3 days. Please check to see if the textbook you need is here before making a special trip to the library!
Stop by the library to check print items out or call us (307-778-1205) to ship them to you if you do not come to campus.
Search for keywords in the library's catalog to find print books:
Examples: paramedic / EMT / emergency medicine / emergency medical responder / emergency treatment
Visit us and browse this call number range in the library shelves:
RC86 - RC88.9 (Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid)
Make sure you are logged in to your myLCCC account, click on a title in your search result list and start reading online!
Try a keyword search to find eBooks:
Examples: paramedic / EMT / emergency medicine / emergency medical responder / emergency treatment
Make sure you are logged in to your myLCCC account. Click on the title and start reading!