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Video Databases Technical Help: Films on Demand

How to create your instructor account and load videos from some of the library's video databases into your online course

Adding Videos to Canvas

On pages in Canvas, you can embed Films on Demand videos using the "Apps" tool.

Screenshot displaying the "Apps" option on Canvas pages

You may need to select "View All" to see Films on Demand.

Search for the topic or specific video title, then select the embed option you want. "Record URL" from the "Embed" dropdown will give you the correct link if you prefer to simply link out to the video. (This copied link will ensure that off-campus students correctly authenticate.)

If you select one of the sizes for embedding the video, it should appear on your page. Students will have the options to turn on closed captioning and to view the video in full screen.

Instructor Accounts & Playlists

NOTE: You do not need to create your own account and playlist to post videos into Canvas or view them in class. You can always simply post video links using the instructions on the right. However, creating an account will allow you to put various video segments together into one playlist with one link. Playlists also allow you to add your own notes to your students that will display alongside the videos.


1.  Go to Films on Demand

2.  Select "Create Account" in the upper right and fill out the form to create your account.

3.  Browse the videos using the subject menu or search by segment or title to find a video. (Note that there is also an advanced search which allows for more options.)


1.  Once you've found a video, select "+ Playlist" below the video.,

2.  Select the segments you want to add (hold the Ctrl key to select multiple segments). Enter a new playlist name, or add the segment/s to one of your existing playlists.

3.  Now select "PLAYLISTS" from the grey bar near the top of the page. From this page you can add playlist notes to your students or rearrange the segments. Simply copy the "Playlist URL" and follow the directions to the right to post it to your Canvas class.