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Radiography Resources: Find Articles

This guide will help you find library resources for students in the radiography program.

myLCCC Is Your Ticket!

Make Sure You Are Logged in to myLCCC!

Your myLCCC account is your ticket to access the Ludden Library's paid online subscription databases. If you get an error message, check to make sure you are still logged in to your myLCCC account.

Need Help with Databases?

If you are new to database searching or are struggling to find articles on your topic, the Ludden Library staff is ready to help!  Stop by our help desk in person, schedule an appointment with me, or start a chat session using the chat button on your screen.


Databases & One Journal

These databases contain hundreds of journals with MANY articles on radiography topics. 

  • Different databases include different journals, so search more than one if you aren't finding enough information.  
  • Brainstorm additional keywords if you do not find good articles right away.
  • Use the features on the sides of the screen to limit your results within each database.
 A Special Case - This database provides current, evidence-based answers to clinical questions rather than traditional peer-reviewed studies.  
Do LCCC Students Have Access to This Journal?

Shortcut to the eJournal Portal

Levels of Evidence

Levels of evidence are very important to keep in mind when conducting medical research.  Don't forget to consider the level of evidence your source provides, no matter where you find it (database, free web, section of a book, etc.).  Start at the top of the pyramid for the most reliable evidence, keeping in mind that research may not yet exist or may not be feasible for some questions.  Definitions of these articles types can be found here.

Pyramid diagram that shows the level of evidence provided by different source types


Profile Photo
Jenn Markus
Office: LIB 120
(307) 778-1204

Boolean Operator AND

This short video will introduce you to the Boolean Operators - AND, OR, and NOT. Boolean Operators are used to join key terms in database searching to either focus your search and limit your results or broaden your search and increase the number of articles retrieved.



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Fall 2024