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Principles of Marketing: Citing Your Sources

This guide will help you complete Jim Streelman's marketing plan assignment.

Citation Styles

The following citations are color coded to help you identify the various parts of the citation. The basic format is given, followed by an example.

Note that all citations should be double-spaced and have hanging indentation, but this is difficult to accomplish on this page.

For more information on MLA formatting style and citations: Diana Hacker, Research and Documentation Online 5th Edition, for MLA

For more information on APA formatting style and citations: Diana Hacker, Research and Documentation Online 5th Edition, for APA

Print Magazine Article

MLA Style

Author(s). "Article Title." Magazine Title publication date: page numbersPrint.

Zimmer, Carl. "The New Science of the Brain." National Geographic Feb. 201431-57. Print.

APA Style

Author(s). (Publication year, month)Article title. Magazine Titlevolume number(issue number), page numbers.

Zimmer, C. (2014, February)The new science of the brain. National Geographic, 225(2), 31-57.

Magazine Article from a Library Database

MLA Style

Author(s). "Article Title." Magazine Title publication date: page numbersLibrary DatabaseWeb. Retrieval date.

Zimmer, Carl. "The New Science of the Brain." National Geographic Feb. 201431-57. National Geographic Virtual Library. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.

APA Style

Author(s). (Publication year, month)Article title. Magazine Titlevolume number(issue number), page numbers. doi or Retrieved from url

Zimmer, C. (2014, February)The new science of the brain. National Geographic, 225(2), 31-57Retrieved from

Print Books

MLA Style

Author(s)Book TitleEdition number (do not include if it is a first edition)City of publisher (include state or country only if city is small/uncommon)Publisher's Namecopyright year. Print.

Downing, SkipOn Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life. 7th edBostonWadsworth2014. Print.

APA Style

Author(s). (Copyright year). Book TitleEdition number (do not include if it is a first edition)City, state of publisherPublisher's Name.

Downing, S. (2014). On Course: Strategies for creating success in college and in life (7th ed.)Boston, MAWadsworth.


MLA Style

Author(s)Book TitleEdition number (do not include if it is a first edition)City of publisher (include state or country only if city is small/uncommon)Publisher's Namecopyright year. Online Source/Library DatabaseWeb. Retrieval date.

Moore, Sarah, Colin Neville, Maura Murphy, and Cornelia ConnollyThe Ultimate Study Skills HandbookMaidenhead, EnglandMcGraw-Hill2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 8 Sept. 2014.

APA Style

Author(s). (Copyright year). Book TitleEdition number (do not include if it is a first edition)City, state of publisherPublisher's Name.

*If the book is only available in online format, instead of the publisher information, include Retrived from url at the end of the citation.

Moore, S., Neville, C., Murphy, M., & Connolly, C(2010)The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook. Maidenhead, EnglandMcGraw-Hill.



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