The examples below illustrate how to make a reference within your paper based on the Works Cited list you have created.
Barsanti, Amy B. “A Collage of
Western Women.” OAH Magazine of History
Nov. 2005: 41-43. Print.
In-Text According
to Barsanti … (41)
Davis, Rebecca L. " 'Not Marriage at All but Simple
Harlotry': The Companionate
Controversy." Journal of American History 94.4 (2008): n. pag.
Web. 8 Aug.
In-Text For women
who choose to live with men outside of … (Davis)
Jensen, Joan M., and Darlis A. Miller.
"The Gentle Tamers Revisited: New
Approaches to the History of Women in the American West." Pacific
Historical Review
49.2 (1980): 173-213. Print.
In-Text Historians
now believe… (Jensen and Miller 199)
“Montana: Same Sex Parental Rights.”
New York Times 1 Oct. 2008, late ed.:
A8. Print.
In-Text Some
states are moving toward parental rights… (“Montana” A8)
Richards, Marjorie. Letter to the
author. 4 Dec. 2008. MS.
In-Text Richards
noted in her letter that… [no citation needed here]
---. Message to the author. 16 Mar.
2009. E-mail.
In-Text Richards
also believes that… (E-mail).
United States. Dept. of Health and
Human Services. CDC.
Natl. Center for Health Statistics. Cohabitation, Marriage,
Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States. Hyattsville: Dept. of Health
and Human Services, 2002. Web. 14 July 2009.
In-Text Statistics
for 2009 indicate that… (US, CDC)
---. ---. Office on Women’s Health. The
Healthy Woman: A Complete Guide for All
Ages. Washington:
GPO, 2008. Print.
In-Text The US
Office on Women’s Health provides… (218).